Saturday 30 July 2022

Cromagnon – Cromagnon (1969)

Country: United States

1. Caledonia 04:21
2. Ritual Feast Of The Libido 03:26
3. Organic Sundown 07:10
4. Fantasy 07:19
5. Crow Of The Black Tree 09:40
6. Genitalia 02:46
7. Toth, Scribe I 10:38
8. First World Of Bronze 02:47

Cromagnon was an American experimental band that was active during the late 1960s.
Led by multi-instrumentalist singer-songwriters Austin Grasmere and Brian Elliot,
the band released their one and only self-titled album
(later reissued as "Cave Rock" and also as "Orgasm") in 1969 on the ESP-Disk record label.
Cromagnon is said to have foreshadowed the rise of noise rock, no wave and industrial rock genres
that came into existence in the following decades.
Their album combined psychedelia, folk rock and noise with primitive instrumentation (including sticks and stones).
It was recorded at A-1 Sound Studio in the Upper West Side of New York City in 1969.
Phil Spector's "Wall of Sound" technique, of which producer Brian Elliot was a fan, heavily influenced the album's sound.
During recording, band members brought in random people from the street and asked them to contribute to the album.
The result was a non-linear journey through the subconscious,
weaving together bizarre instrumentation and meter with a psychotic blending of musical styles.
Bagpipes, pounding percussion, blood-curdling yelps, tribal chanting, laughing, and billowing subterranean rumblings
create the otherworldly soundscape of an album that was ridiculously ahead of its time.

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